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a. ‘Platform’: The website [] and [] offered by the Company and the applications and all access features available for download within the site.

b. ‘User’: A natural or legal person who accesses the platform and uses the services.

c. ‘Services’: All products, services, content and features offered through the Platform.

This agreement sets out the terms regarding the confidentiality of the services provided through [] and [] (‘Platform’) between Sugar Technology Yazılım A.Ş. (‘Company’) and (‘User’).We recommend that you read it carefully and fully understand it before using the features and services of the Platform provided by Sugar Technology Yazılım A.Ş.

If you have any concerns regarding the terms of the relevant agreement, please email the SugAR Tech support team at [email protected] you do not agree to any terms contained in the Agreement, please stop using the Platform. Your use of the Platform will constitute acknowledgement and full acceptance of all content contained in this Agreement.

1. Service

The Platform provides you with services such as 3D online design tool applications, sharing of online design process information and online design training.

2. Terms of Use

a. Accessing the platform and using the services indicates that the User accepts this agreement.

b. The User undertakes to use the Platform in compliance with laws and regulations.

c. The User confirms that the information shared on the Platform is accurate, up-to-date and complete.

d. The User agrees not to engage in any illegal activity through the Platform, not to violate the rights of others and not to jeopardise the security of the Platform.

e. The User undertakes not to reproduce, distribute, modify or use for commercial purposes any content on the Platform.

3. Account and Account Security

a. You can log in to the Platform through Sugar Technology and RapidRender user account and third-party website accounts such as Facebook, Google, Twitter, Apple, etc. or you can use limited services such as search and information review as an anonymous user.

b. You are responsible for all actions you take within your user account that you create. Please note that having a user account does not mean that you can benefit from all the services provided by the Platform.

c. You reserve the right to terminate the user account you create. In case you decide not to use your user account, you will be able to officially cancel your user account.

d. If your user account is cancelled, several things will happen. Firstly, your right to use your account will cease immediately. Secondly, all relevant data will be deleted or your entire relationship with your account will be terminated, unless we are required by applicable law to retain, return or transfer data relating to your account and your usage history to you or a third party.

e. Carefully store your details, password, verification code and all other information relating to your user account. Your user account may only be used by you and may not be transferred, exchanged, donated, rented or borrowed.In this regard, you bear full responsibility and in case of detection of a possible violation, the Company reserves the right to ban you without any notice and not to assume the legal responsibility to protect you.

f. In order to ensure transaction security, the Platform may require you to verify your identity in order to use some features of the applications and services effectively.

g. You agree to notify Sugar Technology immediately of any unauthorised use of your user account or any other breach of account security. The Company will not be liable for any damages you may incur as a result of someone else using your account.

4. Service Fee

Certain service fees will be charged for some of the Platform’s services.For details, please refer to the pricing section on our website or contact our support team. In addition, among the services and features available within the scope of the site and application, there will be services that you can benefit from free of charge.

5. Privacy and Data Protection

a. The Company undertakes to keep the personal information provided by the User on the Platform confidential and to process it in accordance with the relevant data protection legislation.

b. The User accepts the Company’s data collection, use and sharing policies on the Platform.

6. Limitation of Liability

a. The User uses the Platform at his/her own risk and responsibility.

The Company does not guarantee that the Platform is uninterrupted, error-free or secure.

b. The Company is not liable for any damages arising from the User’s access to or interaction with the content on the Platform or third party sites.

c. You acknowledge and warrant that the Platform may not be used to facilitate or support the following actions or may not be produced, uploaded, stored, distributed or disseminated in connection with the following actions:

i. Obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terrorism or abetting offences;

ii. Insult, defame, libel or violate the legal rights and interests of others.

d. You acknowledge and warrant that use of the Platform is subject to this Agreement and related business rules and controls and may not be used to commit or facilitate the following acts, including but not limited to the following acts:

i. Providing information for real name authentication without accuracy;

ii. Transferring, selling, renting, leasing, lending or sharing your user account with others;

iii. causing any damage or attempting to cause any damage to the security of the network, including but not limited to viruses, trojans, malicious code, phishing, malicious scanning, illegal intrusion, unauthorised access, etc;

iv. make any modification or attempt to modify the system configuration provided by the Platform or jeopardise the security of the Platform;v. deleting all copyright information belonging to the Platform, reverse engineering, reverse compiling, reverse compiling the Platform or attempting to find the software source code of the Platform by other means;

vi. commercially copy, modify, alter, modify, commercially link to or create any derivative works or products from the Platform, or use plug-ins or unauthorised means to access, interfere with or affect the Platform;

vii. violate robots.txt or similar files on the Platform;

viii. commercially use, rent, lend, copy, modify, link, reprint, compile, publish or create mirror sites for data related to the Platform;

ix. Performing any action in bad faith or that may damage any rating or comment on the Platform and taking any action that may affect the integrity or accuracy of the Platform;

x. Using technology or other means to destroy or disrupt the functioning of the Platform and the use of the Platform by other users;

xi. exceeding any restrictions on access to or availability of the Platform;

xii. violate the rights of others or engage in activities that violate the privacy or data protection rights of others;

xiii. Assist others in breaking these rules.xv. If the Company determines that your behaviour violates applicable law or this Agreement based on information collected by it or other organisations or persons, Sugar Technology has the right to take measures such as deleting, blocking or disconnecting your account and content, limited or complete termination of access to the facilities and services offered by the Platform, suspension of your account based on its independent judgement.

7. Intellectual Property Rights

a. The intellectual property rights of all content on the Platform belong to the Company. The User may not use or reproduce the content on the Platform without the permission of the Company.

b. The User agrees to grant the Company a limited, revocable and royalty-free license for the use and publication of the content uploaded to the Platform by the Company.

8. Termination of the Agreement

a. The User may terminate this agreement by logging out of the Platform at any time.

b. The Company reserves the right to terminate this agreement without notice or compensation to the User if the User breaches this agreement.

9. Changes

a. The Company has the right to amend this Agreement at any time at its sole discretion.

b. Amendments shall enter into force by being published by the Company on the Platform. The User is obliged to follow the changes.

10. Dispute Resolution

a. This Agreement shall be governed by Turkish law and the courts of Turkey shall have jurisdiction.

b. The competent courts in Turkey shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any disputes between the parties.

Any passing on of personal data for legal purposes will only be done in compliance with laws of the country you reside in.

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